Cosmetic dentistry and confidence go hand in hand. Our team at Aqua Dental in Austin, Texas, sees the positive effect that these services have on patients each and every day. When gaps are closed, stains are lifted, or chips are “erased,” patients walk a little taller and smile proudly. Smiles are a central feature of your face. So, when Dr. Chitra Pradeep corrects imperfections and enhances your teeth and other aspects of your smile, it immediately enhances your overall facial appearance. When you feel better about your appearance, it provides a mental and emotional lift. To explore cosmetic treatment that complements you perfectly, schedule a consultation. In the meantime, we’re happy to answer some of the questions that our patients commonly ask about enhancing their smiles.
To start, we provide reliable information to empower our patients to make good decisions—ones that are in the best long-term interests of their health and wellbeing. These recommendations generally follow an in-office evaluation and consultation. Dr. Pradeep will examine your teeth, gums, and mouth. She may take X-rays and use other tools to accurately evaluate what can’t be seen with a visual inspection alone. Of course, she will also get to know your personal preferences and goals. Your smile is unlike anyone else’s, so any enhancements or treatment plans are truly one of a kind and should elevate and complement your unique and natural beauty.
It is essential for us to resolve any underlying conditions, like decay and gum disease, before moving forward with any elective cosmetic treatments. Keep in mind that some seemingly cosmetic concerns may actually be rooted in these oral diseases. The good news is that Dr. Pradeep’s approach to restoring teeth blends cosmetic improvements with the ultimate in functionality and durability. So, if you need to repair a cavity, our tooth-colored fillings look and hold up like natural, healthy teeth. Likewise, we can correct more extensive damage to the teeth with attractive porcelain crowns.
Cosmetic dental treatments are highly personalized. Here again, no two treatment plans are alike. Some services, such as professional teeth whitening, require very little investment of time or money, yet they can make a tremendous difference in your smile. When planned and overseen by Dr. Pradeep, these in-office or at-home treatments are not only effective, they are also gentle on sensitive teeth while being safe and predictable. We also have cosmetic treatments—composite bonding and porcelain veneers—to disguise everything from gaps between teeth to chips and other “wear and tear.” If you have more extensive needs or concerns, yes, a combination of cosmetic and/or restorative procedures or a “smile makeover” may be on the horizon.
Trust our board-certified dentist’s expertise and our substantial onsite capabilities as you look forward to a renewed smile and a renewed outlook. Call Aqua Dental in Austin, TX, at (512) 643-6571 to start this transformative process today.